
The final mark for the course is composed of the following three components:

Assignments 1 and 2 are described below. Students should keep in mind the following information regarding the submission of assignments:

Marking Criteria

This course follows the standard marking criteria (the general ones and those relating to GIS assignments in particular) set by the School of Environmental Sciences. In addition to these generic criteria, the following specific criteria relating to the code provided will be used:

Discussion forum

Students are encouraged to contribute to the online discussion forum set up for the module. The contribution to the discussion forum is assessed as an all-or-nothing 5% of the mark that can be obtained by contributing meaninfully to the online discussion board setup for the course. Meaningful contributions include both questions and answers that demonstrate the student is committed to make the forum a more useful resource for the rest of the group.

Assignment 1 - In-lab computer test I

This assessment will consist of an in-lab computer test with multi-option and short answer questions covering topics introduced in lectures and labs 1-4. More details will be provided during class in advance.

Assignment 2 - In-lab computer test II

This assessment will consist of an in-lab computer test with multi-option and short answer questions covering topics introduced in lectures and labs 5-9. More details will be provided during class in advance.

Assignment 3 - Targetting areas

In this assignment, you will take the role of a real-world data scientist tasked to identify areas to direct investments. You are consulting for the City of Liverpool on a program to target investments towards particularly disadvantaged areas that are nevertheless popular or have the potential to become so. The Economic Development division knows that only five local super output areas (LSOAs) will be funded but would like to know which ones.

Develop a data strategy, deploy it, and present the results in a rigorous but intuitive fashion, together with the code.

Minimum requirements (complete all)

Suggestive paths (optional)


This assignment can use any of the datasets employed in the course, and/or any other datasets you consider useful. If you are thinking of including additional datasets, or have ideas in this respect, please get in touch with the module lead (Dani Arribas-Bel).

IMPORTANT - MSc Students: MSc students are required to use alternative datasets.