Visualising the esda Moran Matrix with splot

esda.moran.Moran_BV_matrix offers you a tool to assess the relationship between multiple input variables and over space as bivariate and univariate Moran's I Statistics. Moran_BV_matrix returns a dictionary of Moran_BV objects which can be displayed and further analysed. In case you are not familiar with Moran Statistics, have a look at splot's esda_morans_viz.ipynb notebook.



from pysal.lib.weights.contiguity import Queen
from pysal.lib import examples
import pysal.lib as lp
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

Example 1: Working with arrays

There are generally two ways in which a Moran_BV_matrix and a splot.esda.moran_facet can be generated. The first of the two options is to use np.arrays representing the attributes of different variables and adding a list of variable names. This first option is a great choice in case you needed to calculate your weights separately with pysal.lib.weights and already have your values stored in an array. The second and more popular option is ot directly load a DataFrame. If you are unsure in how to work with numpy arrays or you already have your variables stored in a dataframe, we would recommend to use Example 2.

In this example we will look at visualizing your results stored as a np.array. We know that we would like to examine all values for the variables named: varnames = ['SIDR74', 'SIDR79', 'NWR74', 'NWR79']. We can pass in a list of these variable names separately with varnames=varnames. Additionally, we need to create an np.array containing the values of each individual variable separately with vars = [np.array(f.by_col[var]) for var in varnames]:

f = gpd.read_file(examples.get_path("sids2.dbf"))

varnames = ['SIDR74',  'SIDR79',  'NWR74',  'NWR79']
['SIDR74', 'SIDR79', 'NWR74', 'NWR79']
variable = [np.array(f[variable]) for variable in varnames]
array([0.91659 , 0.      , 1.568381, 1.968504, 6.333568, 4.820937,
       0.      , 0.      , 4.132231, 0.620347, 1.932367, 3.596314,
       2.393776, 2.570694, 1.834862, 4.988914, 1.831502, 1.271456,
       0.755858, 2.066116, 1.331558, 0.      , 0.788022, 1.429593,
       0.843313, 1.421157, 2.782534, 4.531722, 1.264223, 2.007528,
       1.989555, 0.      , 2.734482, 1.66251 , 0.      , 1.291156,
       1.104667, 2.614379, 0.966417, 0.8285  , 0.      , 1.452169,
       1.399384, 5.050505, 0.      , 2.569373, 1.570916, 1.215067,
       2.971367, 0.651324, 2.748331, 0.868961, 1.197605, 1.500375,
       0.947867, 0.      , 2.600297, 4.444444, 4.597701, 2.220249,
       4.010695, 2.71166 , 1.588983, 2.055076, 3.610108, 1.749781,
       1.888218, 2.038169, 0.731886, 2.384738, 2.122241, 1.942502,
       0.      , 2.786291, 2.557545, 1.220324, 1.876173, 0.      ,
       1.322314, 1.845018, 1.94742 , 1.865855, 1.730104, 1.021711,
       9.55414 , 4.685408, 0.      , 1.610954, 1.451379, 0.      ,
       2.215406, 3.547672, 2.599032, 3.929522, 2.071251, 4.489338,
       3.257329, 4.477612, 2.171553, 2.292526])

Next, we can open a file containing pre calculated spatial weights for "sids2.dbf". In case you don't have spatial weights, check out pysal.lib.weights which will provide you with many options calculating your own.

w ="")).read()
<pysal.lib.weights.weights.W at 0x1a1f854160>

Now we are ready to import and generate our Moran_BV_matrix:

from pysal.explore.esda.moran import Moran_BV_matrix

matrix = Moran_BV_matrix(variable, w, varnames = varnames)
{(0, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1047ff5f8>,
 (1, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1047ff940>,
 (0, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1047ff2e8>,
 (2, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f854080>,
 (0, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f842748>,
 (3, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f8555c0>,
 (1, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f854048>,
 (2, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f8546a0>,
 (1, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f85c8d0>,
 (3, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f85cb70>,
 (2, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f85cb38>,
 (3, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a1f85cb00>}

Let's visualise our matrix with splot.esda.moran_facet(). You will see Univariate Moran objects with a grey background, surrounded by all possible bivariate combinations of your input dataset:

from pysal.viz.splot.esda import moran_facet


Example 2: insert a DataFrame

Additionally, it is possible to generte your Moran_BV_matrix and a moran_facet using a pandas or geopandas DataFrame as input. Let's have a look at a simple example examining columbus.shp example data:

path = examples.get_path('columbus.shp')
gdf = gpd.read_file(path)

In order for moran_facet to generate sensible results, it is recommended to extract all columns you would specifically like to analyse and generate a new GeoDataFrame:

variables2 = gdf[['HOVAL', 'CRIME', 'INC', 'EW']]
0 80.467003 15.725980 19.531 1.0
1 44.567001 18.801754 21.232 0.0
2 26.350000 30.626781 15.956 1.0
3 33.200001 32.387760 4.477 0.0
4 23.225000 50.731510 11.252 1.0
(49, 4)

We will now generate our own spatial weights leveraging pysal.lib and create a second matrix2 from our GeoDataFrame. Note that there is no list of varnames needed, this list will be automatically extracted from teh first row of your gdf:

w2 = Queen.from_shapefile(path)
<pysal.lib.weights.contiguity.Queen at 0x1a1f82ac50>
from pysal.explore.esda.moran import Moran_BV_matrix

matrix2 = Moran_BV_matrix(variables2, w2)
{(0, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbcc0>,
 (1, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbb38>,
 (0, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbb00>,
 (2, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbc50>,
 (0, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20bf2828>,
 (3, 0): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20c14390>,
 (1, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddb160>,
 (2, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbfd0>,
 (1, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbf98>,
 (3, 1): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1a20ddbf60>,
 (2, 3): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1037e02b0>,
 (3, 2): <esda.moran.Moran_BV at 0x1037e0198>}

Like in the first example we can now plot our data with a simple splot call:

from pysal.viz.splot.esda import moran_facet
