import os
from gravity import Gravity, Production, Attraction, Doubly
import entropy as grav
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import geopandas as gp
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%pylab inline
from descartes import PolygonPatch
import matplotlib as mpl
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import pyproj as pj
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
ct = pd.read_csv('CT_BIKE_DATA.csv')
ct = ct[ct['o_tract'] != ct['d_tract']]

ct.ix[ct.o_sq_foot == 0, 'o_sq_foot'] = 1
ct.ix[ct.d_sq_foot == 0, 'd_sq_foot'] = 1
ct.ix[ct.o_cap == 0, 'o_cap'] = 1
ct.ix[ct.d_cap == 0, 'd_cap'] = 1
ct.ix[ct.o_housing == 0, 'o_housing'] = 1
ct.ix[ct.d_housing == 0, 'd_housing'] = 1

flows = ct['count'].values.reshape((-1,1))
o_vars = np.hstack([ct['o_sq_foot'].values.reshape((-1,1)), ct['o_housing'].values.reshape((-1,1)), ct['o_cap'].values.reshape((-1,1))])
d_vars = np.hstack([ct['d_sq_foot'].values.reshape((-1,1)), ct['d_housing'].values.reshape((-1,1)), ct['d_cap'].values.reshape((-1,1))])
cost = ct['tripduration'].values.reshape((-1,1))
o = ct['o_tract'].astype(str).values.reshape((-1,1))
d = ct['d_tract'].astype(str).values.reshape((-1,1))
print len(ct), ' OD pairs between census tracts after filtering out intrazonal flows'
14042  OD pairs between census tracts after filtering out intrazonal flows
Unnamed: 0 count d_cap d_tract distance end station latitude end station longitude o_cap o_tract tripduration ... d_sq_foot diffs_out start end weighted total_out total_in o_hub d_hub od_hub
0 0 5709 255 600 NaN 40.712899 -73.989865 162 202 474.173605 ... 59149181.752643 28553756 202 600 0 56352 69165 hub hub hub
1 1 4010 595 600 NaN 40.712899 -73.989865 774 700 765.920864 ... 59149181.752643 28553756 700 600 0 160040 69165 hub hub hub
2 2 1906 170 600 NaN 40.712899 -73.989865 141 800 395.842085 ... 59149181.752643 28553756 800 600 0 34254 69165 hub hub non_hub
3 3 1192 255 600 NaN 40.712899 -73.989865 291 900 882.062412 ... 59149181.752643 28553756 900 600 0 46446 69165 hub hub non_hub
4 4 484 85 600 NaN 40.712899 -73.989865 57 1002 767.284951 ... 59149181.752643 28553756 1002 600 0 15916 69165 hub hub non_hub

5 rows × 27 columns

from gravity import Gravity, Production, Attraction, Doubly

model = Gravity(flows, o_vars, d_vars, cost, 'exp')
print model.params
print model.deviance
[ 0.09898099  0.05748786  0.50319944  0.06920194  0.06408526  0.39371417
model = Production(flows, o, d_vars, cost, 'exp')
print model.params[-4:]
print model.deviance
[ 0.00437122  0.06794379  0.85720958 -0.00227555]
model = Doubly(flows, o, d, cost, 'exp')
print model.params[-1]
print model.deviance
model = Production(flows, o, d_vars, cost, 'exp')
local = model.local()
model.params[-1:] - local['param4']
array([ -4.95948156e-04,   3.40120247e-04,  -3.91480275e-05,
        -3.26070717e-04,  -5.68393351e-04,  -3.23978854e-04,
        -5.94504707e-04,  -5.09752889e-04,  -2.41354814e-04,
        -6.99627303e-04,  -6.06703481e-04,  -2.87165103e-04,
        -2.06833527e-04,  -7.12588916e-04,   5.04928141e-06,
         5.34234751e-04,  -1.23411275e-04,  -1.59568001e-04,
        -2.96358867e-04,  -8.13853592e-04,  -5.58786311e-04,
        -1.53686724e-04,   1.52269287e-04,  -5.62449153e-04,
        -4.99537030e-04,  -1.98040148e-04,   9.82797486e-04,
        -8.67929860e-04,  -5.27493938e-04,  -9.24817442e-04,
        -2.45312465e-04,  -1.16812380e-04,  -1.02053526e-03,
         1.67786401e-04,   3.41493881e-04,   4.59007938e-04,
         8.02955033e-04,   2.43489411e-04,   1.10776816e-03,
         8.55636181e-04,  -1.29914342e-04,   5.03848977e-04,
         8.70868120e-04,   5.28052058e-04,   1.09964551e-03,
         2.88481182e-04,   3.95290078e-04,   7.13678425e-04,
         6.20446122e-05,  -1.46495796e-04,  -2.73198728e-04,
         9.14219582e-04,   3.19989141e-04,   3.02280808e-04,
         4.41425231e-04,   4.36411583e-04,   3.47806100e-05,
         3.49817242e-04,   2.02926954e-04,   1.61125584e-04,
        -1.37626107e-04,   3.14375309e-04,   2.71524960e-04,
         2.57004947e-04,   5.06773514e-05,   1.41876242e-04,
        -9.54660826e-05,   7.85559253e-05,   1.04857127e-04,
        -1.22876232e-04,  -3.72755027e-05,   2.21322945e-04,
         5.30628729e-04,   2.60089456e-05,   3.44939369e-04,
        -2.03039191e-04,   8.70161481e-04,   5.93617124e-04,
         2.20113262e-05,   2.28752154e-04,   1.70450009e-05,
         4.31890011e-04,  -1.63104457e-04,   5.46943635e-04,
        -1.79543169e-04,   4.17203373e-04,  -8.31555539e-05,
         4.56660548e-04,  -4.73247746e-04,   1.91977621e-04,
         6.35081811e-04,   1.23280773e-04,   4.13098476e-04,
         6.17848610e-05,   5.71604649e-05,   4.84527935e-04,
        -3.04029156e-04,   2.82207361e-04,   4.09784527e-04,
        -4.02865802e-04,   3.82267728e-04,  -5.74829501e-04,
         4.00848442e-04,  -5.56075560e-05,  -8.41775681e-04,
         3.21238255e-04,  -3.94157736e-04,   5.70250598e-04,
        -6.58632949e-04,  -3.50101571e-04,   3.52107030e-04,
        -3.79342620e-04,   4.12304788e-04,  -8.41623629e-04,
         2.55518204e-04,  -2.47800511e-04,   4.01094216e-04,
        -3.52907394e-04,   4.74670899e-05])
crs = {'datum':'WGS84', 'proj':'longlat'}
tracts = gp.read_file('/Users/toshan/Dropbox/Data/NYC_BIKES/nyct2010_15a/nyct2010.shp')
tracts = tracts.to_crs(crs=crs)
man_tracts = tracts[tracts['BoroCode'] == '1'].copy()
man_tracts['CT2010S'] = man_tracts['CT2010'].astype(int).astype(str)
mt = set(man_tracts.CT2010S.unique())
lt = set(np.unique(o))
nt = list(mt.difference(lt))
no_tracts = pd.DataFrame({'no_tract':nt})
no_tracts = man_tracts[man_tracts.CT2010S.isin(nt)].copy()
local_vals = pd.DataFrame({'betas': local['param4'], 'tract':np.unique(o)})
local_vals = pd.merge(local_vals, man_tracts[['CT2010S', 'geometry']], left_on='tract', right_on='CT2010S')
local_vals = gp.GeoDataFrame(local_vals)
local_vals['inv_betas'] = (local_vals['betas']*-1)
no_tracts['test'] = 0
no_tracts.plot('test', colormap='copper')
local_vals.plot('inv_betas', colormap='Blues')
plt.xlim(-74.02, -73.95)
plt.ylim(40.7, 40.78)
(40.7, 40.78)
local_vals['cap'] = local['param3']
no_tracts['test'] = 0
no_tracts.plot('test', colormap='copper')
local_vals.plot('cap', colormap='Reds')
plt.xlim(-74.02, -73.95)
plt.ylim(40.7, 40.78)
(40.7, 40.78)
local_vals['house'] = local['param2']
no_tracts['test'] = 0
no_tracts.plot('test', colormap='copper')
local_vals.plot('house', colormap='Reds')
plt.xlim(-74.02, -73.95)
plt.ylim(40.7, 40.78)
(40.7, 40.78)
local_vals['foot'] = local['param1']
no_tracts['test'] = 0
no_tracts.plot('test', colormap='copper')
local_vals.plot('foot', colormap='Reds')
plt.xlim(-74.02, -73.95)
plt.ylim(40.7, 40.78)
(40.7, 40.78)