This notebook requires installations of:

Demostrating fundamental network-based optimal facility location modeling

Integrating spaghetti and Cbc/ortools

James D. Gaboardi <>

import os
last_modified = None
if == "posix":
    last_modified = !stat -f\
                    "# This notebook was last updated: %Sm"\
elif == "nt":
    last_modified = !for %a in (Facility_Location.ipynb)\
                    do echo # This notebook was last updated: %~ta
if last_modified:
# This notebook was last updated: May 13 20:33:56 2019


The Neighborhood X Planning Committee has been asked by residents to set up a Little Free Library program to supplement the community's growing reading needs, as 15 families just moved in bring the total household count to 400. Since the neighborhood can't afford to have a library on every corner, the committee must decide on where to locate them and how to do so in a transparent manner. There are currently 14 candidate sites in the neighborhood for Little Free Libraries and the community can afford to support up to 5 locations, but would preferably support 3 locations with the extra budget going towards new books and unforseen maintenance costs. The committee also must locate all the libraries within 1 km of all households, but preferably with .8km. As it turns out one of the committee members is an Operations Research professor at the local university, Dr. Minimax, and volunteers to build 4 models to optimally site the Little Free Libraries acording to objective functions and specific sets of contraints. She puts forth 4 facility location models:

  • Location Set Covering Problem

    • Site the minimum number of facilities to cover all demand (clients) within a specified service radius.
    • Originally Published:
      Toregas, C. and ReVelle, Charles. 1972. Optimal Location Under Time or Distance Constraints.
      Papers of the Regional Science Association. 28(1):133 - 144.
  • p-median Problem

    • Site a predetermined number of facilities while minimizing total weighted distance.
    • Originally Published:
      S. L. Hakimi. 1964. Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and the Absolute Centers and Medians
      of a Graph. Operations Research. 12 (3):450-459.
  • p-center Problem

    • Site a predetermined number of facilities while minimizing the worst-case travel distance.
    • Originally Published:
      S. L. Hakimi. 1964. Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and the Absolute Centers and Medians
      of a Graph. Operations Research. 12 (3):450-459.
  • Maximal Covering Location Problem

    • Site a predetermined number of facilities while maximizing demand coverage within a specified service radius.
    • Originally Published:
      Church, R. L and C. ReVelle. 1974. The Maximal Covering Location Problem.
      Papers of the Regional Science Association. 32:101-18.

# pysal submodule imports
from pysal.lib import cg, examples
from pysal.explore import spaghetti as spgh

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
import numpy as np
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
import copy, sys, warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

    from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
except ImportError:

%matplotlib inline

Suppress matplotlib color UserWarning messages

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="Setting the 'color'")
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message="The GeoDataFrame you are")

Set parameters as per the scenario layed out above

# n clients and n facilities
client_count, facility_count = 400, 14

# candidate facilites to site
p_facilities = 3

# maximum coverage meters
max_coverage = 1000.

# minimum coverage meters
min_coverage = 800.

random_seeds = {'client': 3006,
                'facility': 1520}

title = 'Neighborhood X'

class FacilityLocationModel:
    """Solve a facility locatiom optimization model
    name : str
        Problem model name; must also be defined as a class method.
    cij : numpy.ndarray
        cost matrix from origins (index of i) to destination (index of j).
        Default is None.
    ai : numpy.ndarray
        Client weight vector. Default is None.
    s : float
        service radius. Default is None.
    p : int
        Density of facilities to site. Default is None.
    write_lp : str
        file name (and path) of the LP file to write out.
    print_sol : bool
        print select results. Default is True.
    build_lscp : build location set covering problem
    build_pmp : build p-median problem
    build_pcp : build p-center problem
    build_mclp : build maximal covering location problem
    add_vars : add variables to a model
    add_constrs : add contraints to a model
    add_obj : add an objective function to a model
    optimize : solve a model
    record_decisions : record optimal decision variables
    non_obj_vals : record non-objective values stats (eg. percent covered)
    print_results : print selected results

    model : ortools.linear_solver.pywraplp.Solver
        proxy of <Swig Object of type 'operations_research::MPSolver *'
    n_cli : int
        total client sites
    r_cli : range
        iterable of client sites
    n_fac : int
        total candidate facility sites
    r_fac : range
        iterable of candidate facility sites
    aij : numpy.ndarray
        binary coverage matrix from cij (within s service radius)
    sij : numpy.ndarray
        demand weighted cost matrix as (ai * cij).
    fac_vars : dict
        facility decision variables
    cli_vars : dict
        client decision variables
    W : ortools.linear_solver.pywraplp.Variable
        minimized maximum variable in the p-center problem formulation
    lp_formulation : str
        linear programming formulation of the model
    solve_minutes : float
        solve time in minutes
    obj_val : int or float
        model objective value
    fac2cli : dict
        facility to client relationship lookup
    cli2fac : dict
        client to facility relationship lookup
    fac2iloc : dict
        facility to dataframe index location lookup
    n_cli_uncov : int
        count of client location outside the service radius  
    cli2ncov : dict
        client to covered by count lookup
    ncov2ncli : dict
        covered by count to client count lookup
    mean_dist :
        mean distance per person to the assigned facility
    perc_served : 
        percentage of weighted clients covered in `s`
    def __init__(self, name, ai=None, cij=None, s=None,
                 p=None, write_lp=None, print_sol=True):
        # Set model information = name
        # create a solver instance
        solver_instance = pywraplp.Solver.CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING
        # instantiate a model
        self.model = pywraplp.Solver(, solver_instance)
        # Set parameters and indices
        # facility parameter
        if p:
            self.p = p 
        # client count and range
        self.cij = cij
        self.n_cli = cij.shape[0]
        self.r_cli = range(self.n_cli)
        # facility count and range
        self.n_fac = self.cij.shape[1]
        self.r_fac = range(self.n_fac)
        # demand parameter
        if ai is not None:
   = ai
            self.ai_sum = ai.sum()
            # weighted demand
                self.sij = * self.cij
            except ValueError:
       =, 1)
                self.sij = * self.cij
        # if the model has a service radius parameter
        if s:
            self.s = s
            # binary coverage matrix from cij
            self.aij = np.zeros(self.cij.shape)
            self.aij[self.cij <= self.s] = 1.
        # Set decision variables, constraints, and objective function
            getattr(self, 'build_'
            raise AttributeError(, 'not a defined location model.')
        # solve
        # records seleted decision variables
        # record non-objective values stats (eg. percent covered)
        # print results
        if print_sol:
    def build_lscp(self):
        """ Integer programming formulation of the Location Set Covering Problem.
        Originally Published:
            Toregas, C. and ReVelle, Charles. 1972.
            Optimal Location Under Time or Distance Constraints.
            Papers of the Regional Science Association. 28(1):133 - 144.
        # Decision Variables
        # Constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=1) # set coverage constraints
        # Objective Function
    def build_pmp(self):
        """Integer programming formulation of the p-median Problem.
        Originally Published:
            S. L. Hakimi. 1964. Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and 
            the Absolute Centers and Medians of a Graph. Operations Research.
            12 (3):450-459.
        Adapted from:
            ReVelle, C.S. and Swain, R.W. 1970. Central facilities location.
            Geographical Analysis. 2(1), 30-42.
            Toregas, C., Swain, R., ReVelle, C., Bergman, L. 1971. The Location
            of Emergency Service Facilities. Operations Research. 19 (6),
                - 3 -
            Daskin, M. (1995). Network and discrete location: Models, algorithms,
            and applications. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
        # Decision Variables
        # Constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=2) # assignment constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=3) # facility constraint
        self.add_constrs(constr=4) # opening constraints
        # Objective Function
    def build_pcp(self):
        """Integer programming formulation of the p-center Problem.
        Originally Published:
            S. L. Hakimi. 1964. Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and 
            the Absolute Centers and Medians of a Graph. Operations Research. 
            12 (3):450-459.
        Adapted from:
            Daskin, M. (1995). Network and discrete location: Models, algorithms,
            and applications. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
        # Decision Variables
        # Constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=2) # assignment constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=3) # facility constraint
        self.add_constrs(constr=4) # opening constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=5) # minimized maximum constraints
        # Objective Function
    def build_mclp(self):
        """Integer programming formulation of the Maximal Covering Location Problem.
        Originally Published:
            Church, R. L and C. ReVelle. 1974. The Maximal Covering Location
            Problem. Papers of the Regional Science Association. 32:101-18.
        # Decision Variables
        # Constraints
        self.add_constrs(constr=3) # facility constraint
        self.add_constrs(constr=6) # maximal coverage constraints
        # Objective Function
    def add_vars(self):
        """Add variables to a model.
        # facility decision variables
        self.fac_vars = {j: self.model.IntVar(0,1, 'y[%i]' % (j))\
                                             for j in self.r_fac}
        # client decision variables
        if == 'mclp':
            self.cli_vars = {(i): self.model.IntVar(0,1, 'x[%i]' % (i))\
                                                     for i in self.r_cli}
        if == 'pmp' or == 'pcp':
            self.cli_vars = {(i,j): self.model.IntVar(0,1, 'x[%i,%i]' % (i,j))\
                                     for i in self.r_cli for j in self.r_fac}
        # minimized maximum variable
        if == 'pcp':
            self.W = self.model.NumVar(0, self.model.infinity(), 'W')
    def add_constrs(self, constr=None):
        """ Add constraints to a model.
        (1) set coverage constraints
                y1 + x2 >= 1
                x1 + x3 >= 1
                x2 >= 1
        (2) assignment constraints
                x1_1 + x1_2 + x1_3 = 1
        (3) facility constraints
                y1 + y2 + y3 = p
        (4) opening constraints
                - x1_1 + y1 >= 0
                - x2_1 + y1 >= 0
                - x3_1 + y1 >= 0
        (5) minimax constraints
                cost1_1*x1_1 + cost1_2*x1_2 + cost1_3*x1_3 - W <= 0
        (6) maximal coverage constraints
                - x1 + y1 + y3 >= 0
                - x2 + y4 >= 0
        constr : int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
            Contraint type to add to model. See above for explanation.
            Default is None.
        # 1 - set covering constraints
        if constr == 1:
            for i in self.r_cli:
                                               * self.fac_vars[j]\
                                               for j in self.r_fac]) >= 1)
        # 2 - assignment constraints
        elif constr == 2:
            for i in self.r_cli:
                                               for j in self.r_fac]) == 1)
        # 3 - facility constraint
        elif constr == 3:
                                           for j in self.r_fac]) == self.p)
        # 4 - opening constraints
        elif constr == 4:
            for i in  self.r_cli:
                for j in  self.r_fac:
                                    - self.cli_vars[i,j] >= 0)
        # 5 - minimax constraints
        elif constr == 5:
            for i in self.r_cli:
                                               * self.cli_vars[i,j]\
                                               for j in self.r_fac])\
                                               <= self.W)
        # 6 - max coverage constraints
        elif constr == 6:
            for i in self.r_cli:
                                               * self.fac_vars[j]\
                                               for j in self.r_fac])\
                                               >= self.cli_vars[i])
    def add_obj(self):
        """ Add an objective function to a model.
        if == 'lscp':
                                            for j in self.r_fac]))
        elif == 'pmp':
            obj = [self.sij[i,j] * self.cli_vars[i,j]\
                   for i in self.r_cli for j in self.r_fac]
        elif == 'pcp':
        elif == 'mclp':
            obj = [[i]\
                   * self.cli_vars[i] for i in self.r_cli]
    def optimize(self, write_lp=False):
        """ Solve the model.
        write_lp : bool
            write out the linear programming formulation
        def _redirect_to_file(self, text):
            """ Write out the model in linear programming format.
            text : str
                full lp formulation in str format
            original = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = open('.lp', 'w')
            sys.stdout = original
        # linear programming formulation
        if write_lp:
            self.lp_formulation = self.model.ExportModelAsLpFormat(True)
        # WallTime() in milliseconds
        self.solve_minutes = self.model.WallTime() * 1.66667e-5
        self.obj_val = self.model.Objective().Value()
    def record_decisions(self):
        """record decision variable relationship
        folowing optimization.
        # facility-to-dataframe index location lookup
        self.fac2iloc = { for k,v in self.fac_vars.items()}
        # client-to-dataframe index location lookup
        self.cli2iloc = {}
        # facility-to-client lookup
        self.fac2cli = {}
        # record client/service relationships
        for j in self.r_fac:
            if self.fac_vars[j].solution_value() > 0:
                jvar = self.fac_vars[j].name()
                self.fac2cli[jvar] = []
                for i in self.r_cli:
                    ivar = None
                    if == 'lscp':
                        if self.aij[i,j] > 0:
                            ivar = 'x[%i]' % i
                    elif == 'mclp':
                        if self.cli_vars[i].solution_value() > 0:
                            if self.aij[i,j] > 0:
                                ivar = self.cli_vars[i].name()
                        if self.cli_vars[i,j].solution_value() > 0: 
                            ivar = self.cli_vars[i,j].name()
                            ivar = ivar.split(",")[0]+']'
                    if ivar:
                        self.cli2iloc[ivar] = i  
        # client-to-facility lookup
        self.cli2fac = {}
        for cv in list(self.cli2iloc.keys()):
            self.cli2fac[cv] = []
            for k,v in self.fac2cli.items():
                if cv in v:
        # count of uncovered clients
        self.n_cli_uncov = self.n_cli - len(self.cli2iloc.keys())
        # clients of clients covered by n facilities
        if == "lscp" or == "mclp":
            self.cli2ncov = {}
            for c, fs in self.cli2fac.items():
                self.cli2ncov[c] = len(fs)
            most_coverage = max(self.cli2ncov.values())
            self.ncov2ncli = {}
            for cov_count in range(most_coverage+1):
                if cov_count == 0:
                    self.ncov2ncli[cov_count] = self.n_cli_uncov
                if not cov_count in list(self.cli2ncov.keys()):
                    self.ncov2ncli[cov_count] = 0
                for c, ncov in self.cli2ncov.items():
                    if ncov >= cov_count:
                        self.ncov2ncli[cov_count] += 1    
    def non_obj_vals(self):
        if == "pmp":
            self.mean_dist = self.obj_val/float(self.ai_sum)
        if == "mclp":
            self.perc_served = (self.obj_val/float(self.ai_sum))\
                                * 100.
    def print_results(self):
        """print select results
        print('Solve Time:', self.solve_minutes, 'minutes')
        # solve time and objective value
        if == 'lscp':
            u1 = 'facilities needed for total coverage within a '
            u2 = '%f meter service radius' % self.s
        if == 'pmp':
            u1 = 'total weighted distance with '
            u2 = '%i selected facilities' % self.p
        if == 'pcp':
            u1 = 'worst case distance with '
            u2 = '%i selected facilities' % self.p
        if == 'mclp':
            u1 = 'residents within %f meters of '% self.s
            u2 = '%i selected facilities' % self.p
        units = u1 + u2    

        print('Obj. Value:', self.obj_val, units)
        if == 'pmp':
            print('Mean weighted distance per',
                  'person: %f' % self.mean_dist)
        if == 'mclp':
            print('Percent of %i' % self.ai_sum,
                  'clients covered: %f' % self.perc_served)
        # coverage values
        if == "lscp" or == "mclp":
            for ncov, ncli in self.ncov2ncli.items():
                if ncov == 0:
                    print('--- %i clients are not covered' % ncli)
                    if ncov == 1:
                        sp = 'y'
                        sp = 'ies'
                    print('--- %i clients are covered' % ncli,
                          'by %i' % ncov, 'facilit'+sp)             
def add_results(model, cli_df, fac_df, print_solution=False):
    """Add decision variable relationships to a dataframe.
    model : ortools.linear_solver.pywraplp.Solver
        proxy of <Swig Object of type 'operations_research::MPSolver *'
    cli_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame of client locations
    fac_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame of facility locations
    print_solution : bool
        print out solution decision variables. Default is False.
    cli_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        updated client locations
    fac_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        updated facility locations
    col_name = + '_sol'
    fillers = [[cli_df, 'cli2fac'], [fac_df, 'fac2cli']]
    for df, attr in fillers:
        df[col_name] = df['dv'].map(getattr(model, attr))
        df[col_name].fillna("closed", inplace=True)
    if print_solution:
        selected = fac_df[fac_df[col_name] != "closed"]
        for idx in selected.index:
            print(selected.loc[idx, "dv"], 'serving:',
                  selected.loc[idx, col_name])
    return cli_df, fac_df
def plotter(fig=None, base=None, plot_aux=None, buffered=None, model=None,
            pt1_size=None, pt2_size=None, plot_res=None, save_fig=False,
            title=None, figsize=(10,10)):
    """ Top-level scenario plotter for location analytics. 
    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        complete figure to plot. Default is None.
    base : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
        individual axis to plot. Default is None.
    plot_aux : dict
        model data parameters dataframes to plot keyed by
        descriptive names. Default is None.
    plot_res : dict
        model data results dataframes to plot keyed by
        descriptive names. Default is None.
    buffered : see
        buffer distance from roads segments in `plot_base`.
        Default is None.
    pt1_size : float or float
        size of points to plot. `pt1_size` should always be the
        larger between `pt2_size` and `pt1_size`. Default is None.
    pt2_size : float or float
        size of points to plot. Default is None.
    model : ortools.linear_solver.pywraplp.Solver
        proxy of <Swig Object of type 'operations_research::MPSolver *'    
    title : str
        plot title. Default is None.
    figsize : tuple
        Figure size for plot. Default is (12,12).
    save_fig : bool
        Default is False.
    add_to_legend : list
        items to add to legend 
    for_multiplot = True
    if not fig and not base:
        for_multiplot = False
        fig, base = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize)
    # add title
    if not for_multiplot:
        if model:
            title += ' - ' +
        base.set_title(title, size=20)   
        base.set_title(, size=20)
    # plot non-results data
    if plot_aux:
        for k, df in plot_aux.items():
            if k == 'streets':
                df.plot(ax=base, lw=2, color='k', zorder=1)
            if k == 'buffer':
                df.plot(ax=base, color='y', lw=.25, alpha=.25, zorder=1)
            if k == 'cli_tru':    
                if plot_res:
                    df = df[df['_sol'] == 'closed']
                    psize = pt2_size/6.
                    pcolor = 'k'
                    n_cli = df.shape[0]
                    psize = pt1_size
                    pcolor = 'r'
                df.plot(ax=base, markersize=psize,
                        edgecolor='k', color=pcolor)
            if k == 'fac_tru':
                if plot_res:
                    df = df[df['_sol'] == 'closed']
                    psize = pt2_size
                    pcolor = 'k'
                    pmarker = '*'
                    n_cli = df.shape[0]
                    psize = pt1_size
                    pcolor = 'b'
                    pmarker = 'o'
                df.plot(ax=base, markersize=psize,
                        edgecolor='k', color=pcolor,
                n_fac = df.shape[0]
            if k == 'cli_snp':
                df.plot(ax=base, markersize=pt2_size,
                        edgecolor='k', color='r', alpha=.75)
            if k == 'fac_snp':
                df.plot(ax=base, markersize=pt2_size,
                        edgecolor='k', color='b', alpha=.75)
        add_to_legend = list(plot_aux.keys())
        add_to_legend = None
    # plot results data
    if plot_res:
        dv_colors = dv_colorset(plot_res['fac_var'].dv)
        # facilities
        df = plot_res['fac_var'][plot_res['fac_var']\
                                ['_sol'] != 'closed']
        alpha = 1./float(len(df.dv)-2)
        if alpha > .5:
            alpha = .5
        # decision variable info for legend
        dvs_to_leg = {}
        # plot facilities
        for dv in df.dv:
            fac = df[df.dv == dv]
            fac.plot(ax=base, marker='*', markersize=pt1_size*3.,
                     alpha=.8, zorder=3, edgecolor='k',
            # update decision variable info with set color
            dvs_to_leg[dv] = {'color':dv_colors[dv]}
        # plot clients & service areas
        for f, c in model.fac2cli.items():
            fc = plot_res['cli_var'][plot_res['cli_var'].dv.isin(c)]
            fc.plot(ax=base, markersize=50, edgecolor='k',
                    color=dv_colors[f], alpha=alpha, zorder=2)
            # update decision variable info with set client counts
            dvs_to_leg[f].update({'clients': fc.shape[0]})
            # create service area polygon
            service_area = concave_hull(df, fc, f)
            service_area.plot(ax=base, edgecolor='k', alpha=.2,
                              color=dv_colors[f], zorder=1)       
        dvs_to_leg = None
    if not model:
        class _ShellModel:
            """object to mimic `model` when not present
            def __init__(self, plot_aux):
                    self.n_cli = plot_aux['cli_tru'].shape[0]
                        self.n_fac = plot_aux['fac_tru'].shape[0]
                    except KeyError:
                except KeyError:
            model = _ShellModel(plot_aux)
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            model = None
    if not for_multiplot:
        # create legend patches
        patches = create_patches(model=model, for_multiplot=for_multiplot,
                                 pt1_size=pt1_size, pt2_size=pt2_size,
                                 buffered=buffered, legend_aux=add_to_legend,
        add_legend(patches, for_multiplot=for_multiplot)
    if save_fig:
    # if for a multiplot explicityly return items to add to legend
    if for_multiplot:
        return add_to_legend
def multi_plotter(models, plot_aux=None, plot_res=None, select=None,
                  title=None, figsize=(14,14), shape=(2,2)):
    """plot multiple base axes as one figure
    models : list
        solved model objects
    select : dict
        facility-to-selection count lookup.
    shape : tuple
        dimension for subplot array. Default is (2,2).s
    plot_aux : see plotter()
    plot_res : see plotter()
    title : see plotter()
    figsize : see plotter()
    pt1_size, pt2_size = 300, 60
    # convert list of models to array 
    mdls = np.array(models).reshape(shape)
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(mdls.shape[0], mdls.shape[1],
    # add super title to subplot array
    plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=30)
    fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.005, top=.925)
    # create each subplot
    for i in range(mdls.shape[0]):
        for j in range(mdls.shape[1]):
            add_to_legend = plotter(base=axarr[i,j],
    add_to_legend = set(add_to_legend)            
    # decision variable color set
    dv_colors = dv_colorset(plot_res['fac_var'].dv)
    dvs_to_leg = {f: dv_colors[f] for m in models\
                                  for f in m.fac2cli.keys()}
    # set ordered dict of {iloc:fac_var, color, x-selected}
    # *** models[0] can be any of the solved models
    dvs_to_leg = {models[0].fac2iloc[k]:(k,v, select[k])\
                  for k, v in dvs_to_leg.items()}
    dvs_to_leg = OrderedDict(sorted(dvs_to_leg.items()))
    # create legend patches
    patches = create_patches(model=None,
                             pt1_size=pt1_size, pt2_size=pt2_size,
    add_legend(patches, for_multiplot=True)
def add_north_arrow(base):
    """add a north arrow to an axes
    base : see plotter()
    arw = 'rarrow, pad=0.25'
    bbox_props = dict(boxstyle=arw, fc='w', ec='k', lw=2, alpha=.75)
    base.text(221200, 267200, '      z    ', bbox=bbox_props,
             ha='center', va='center', rotation=90)
def add_scale(base):
    """add a scale arrow to an axes
    base : see plotter()
    bbox_props = dict(boxstyle='round, pad=.5',
                      fc='w', ec='0.5', alpha=0.7)
    base.text(base.get_xlim()[0]+75, base.get_ylim()[0]+75,
              '|  ~.25km~  |', fontstyle='italic',
def create_patches(model=None, pt1_size=None, pt2_size=None,
                   buffered=None, legend_aux=None, dvs_to_leg=None,
    """create all patches to add to the legend.
    for_multiplot : bool
        for a single plot (True), or multiplot (False).
        Default is False.
    model : see plotter()
    pt1_size : see plotter()
    pt2_size : see plotter()
    buffered : see plotter()
    legend_aux : see plotter()
    dvs_to_leg : see plotter()
    patches : list
        legend handles matching plotted items
    if pt1_size:
        ms1 = float(pt1_size)/6.
    if pt2_size:
        ms2 = float(pt2_size)/8.
    spacer = mpatches.Patch([], [], color='w', linewidth=0,
                            alpha=.0, label='')
    # all patches to add to legend
    patches = []
    # streets -- always plot
    strs = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', linewidth=2,
                         alpha=1, label='Streets')
    patches.extend([spacer, strs])
    # non-results data
    if legend_aux:
        if 'buffer' in legend_aux:
            label = 'Street buffer (%sm)' % buffered
            strbuff = mpatches.Patch([], [], color='y', linewidth=2,
                                     alpha=.5, label=label)
            patches.extend([spacer, strbuff])
        if 'cli_tru' in legend_aux:
                if dvs_to_leg:
                    pcolor = 'k'
                    msize = ms2/3.
                    plabel = 'Uncovered Households '\
                             + '($n$=%i)' % model.n_cli_uncov
                    pcolor = 'r'
                    msize = ms1
                    plabel = 'Households ($n$=%i)' % model.n_cli
                cli_tru = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=pcolor,
                                        marker='o', ms=msize,
                                        linewidth=0, alpha=1,
                patches.extend([spacer, cli_tru])
            except AttributeError:
        if 'fac_tru' in legend_aux:
            if dvs_to_leg:
                pcolor = 'k'
                msize = ms2
                pmarker = '*'
                no_fac = model.n_fac - len(list(model.fac2cli.keys()))
                plabel = 'Unselected Facilities ($n$=%i)' % no_fac
                pcolor = 'b'
                msize = ms1
                pmarker = 'o'
                plabel = 'Little Free Library candidates'\
                         + '($n$=%i)' % model.n_fac
            fac_tru = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=pcolor,
                                    marker=pmarker, ms=msize,
                                    linewidth=0, alpha=1,
            patches.extend([spacer, fac_tru])
        if 'cli_snp' in legend_aux:
            label = 'Households snapped to network'
            cli_snp = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='r', marker='o',
                                    ms=ms2, linewidth=0, alpha=1,
                                    markeredgecolor='k', label=label)
            patches.extend([spacer, cli_snp])
        if 'fac_snp' in legend_aux:
            label = 'LFL candidates snapped to network'
            fac_snp = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='b', marker='o',
                                    ms=ms2, markeredgecolor='k',
                                    linewidth=0, alpha=1,
            patches.extend([spacer, fac_snp])
    # results data for single plot
    if dvs_to_leg and not for_multiplot:
        # add facility, client, and service area patches to legend
        for k, v in dvs_to_leg.items():
            fdv_label = 'Little Free Library %s' % k
            fdv = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=v['color'], marker='*',
                                ms=ms1/2., markeredgecolor='k',
                                linewidth=0, alpha=.8, label=fdv_label)
            cdv_label = 'Households served by %s ' % k \
                        + '($n$=%i)' % v['clients']
            cdv = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=v['color'], marker='o',
                                ms=ms1/6., markeredgecolor='k',
                                linewidth=0, alpha=.5, label=cdv_label)
            serv_label = '%s service area' % k
            serv = mpatches.Patch([], [], color=v['color'], linewidth=2,
                                  alpha=.25, label=serv_label)
            patches.extend([spacer, fdv, cdv, serv, spacer])
    # results data for multiplot    
    if dvs_to_leg and for_multiplot:
        for idx, (k, v, n) in dvs_to_leg.items():
            fdv = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=v, marker='*', ms=ms1/2,
                                markeredgecolor='k', linewidth=0,
                                alpha=.8, label='%s ($n$=%i)' % (k,n))
            patches.extend([spacer, fdv, spacer])
    return patches
def add_legend(patches, for_multiplot=False):
    """Add a legend to a plot
    patches : list
        legend handles matching plotted items
    for_multiplot : create_patches 
    if for_multiplot:
        anchor = (1.1, 1.65)
        anchor = (1.005, 1.016)
    legend = plt.legend(handles=patches, loc='upper left',
                        fancybox=True, framealpha=.85,
                        bbox_to_anchor=anchor, fontsize='x-large')
def dv_colorset(dvs):
    """decision variables color set
    dvs : geopandas.GeoSeries
        facility decision variables
    dv_colors : dict
        decision variable to set color lookup
    dv_colors = ['fuchsia', 'mediumseagreen', 'blueviolet',
                 'darkslategray', 'lightskyblue', 'saddlebrown',
                 'cyan', 'darkgoldenrod', 'limegreen', 'peachpuff',
                 'coral', 'mediumvioletred', 'darkcyan',
                 'thistle', 'lavender']
    dv_colors = {dv:dv_colors[idx] for idx, dv\
                 in enumerate(dvs)}
    return dv_colors
def get_buffer(in_data, buff=50):
    """ geopandas.GeoDataFrame should be in a meters projection.
    in_data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame of a shapefile representing a road network.
    buff : int or float
        Desired buffer distance. Default is 50 (meters). 
    out_data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        Single polygon of the unioned street buffers.
    b1 = in_data.buffer(buff)  #Buffer
    ub = b1.unary_union  #Buffer Union
    b2 = gpd.GeoSeries(ub)
    out_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(b2,,
    return out_data
def concave_hull(fac_df, cli_df, f, smoother=10):
    """Create `` object
    for service area representation.
    fac_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame of facility locations.
    cli_df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame of client locations.
    f : str
        facility decision variable name.
    smoother : float or int
        buffer (meters). Default is 10.
    ccv :  geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        polygon representing facility service area
    # client location coordinates
    c_array = np.array(cli_df.geometry.apply(lambda pt:
                     [pt.x, pt.y]).squeeze().tolist())
    # facility location coordinates
    f_array = np.array(fac_df[fac_df.dv==f].geometry.apply(\
                     lambda pt: [pt.x, pt.y]).squeeze())
    # coordinates of all location in the set
    pts_array = np.vstack((c_array, f_array))
    # create alpha shape (concave hull)
    ccv = cg.alpha_shape_auto(pts_array, step=4)
    ccv = gpd.GeoDataFrame([ccv.buffer(smoother)],
    return ccv
def simulated_geo_points(in_data, needed=20, seed=0, to_file=None):
    """Generate synthetic spatial data points within an area.s
    in_data : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        A single polygon of the unioned street buffers.
    needed : int
        Number of points in the buffer. Default is 20.
    seed : int
        Seed for pseudo-random number generation. Default is 0.
    to_file : str
        File name for write out.
    sim_pts : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        Points within the buffer.
    geoms = in_data.geometry
    area = tuple(in_data.total_bounds)
    simulated_points_list = []
    simulated_points_all = False
    while simulated_points_all == False:
        x = np.random.uniform(area[0], area[2], 1)
        y = np.random.uniform(area[1], area[3], 1)  
        point = Point(x,y)
        if geoms.intersects(point)[0]:
        if len(simulated_points_list) == needed:
            simulated_points_all = True
    sim_pts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(simulated_points_list,
    if to_file:
    return sim_pts
def map_coords(df, col_name=None, coords=None):
    """ map point coordinates dict to dataframe
    and convert to shapely.geometry.Point objects
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        service/client point locations
    col_name : str
        new column name to create
    coords : dict
        point coordinates snapped to the network.
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        updated service/client point locations  
    df[col_name] =
    df[col_name] = df[col_name].apply(lambda x: Point(x))
    return df
def snapped_df(df, snap_col):
    """copy a true location dataframe and swap
    out 'geometry' column for snapped points
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        service/client point locations
    snap_col : str
        column name containing snapped point coordinates
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        new service/client dataframe of snapped locations    
    df = df.copy()
    df["tru_coords"] = df.geometry
    df.geometry = df[snap_col]
    df.drop(snap_col, axis=1, inplace=True)
    return df
def analytics_matrix(mdls):
    """create stylized dataframe visualization of
    distance analytics
    mdls : models
        all modeling scenarios
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        distance analytics matrix
    style :
        style dataframe view
    model_names = [ for m in mdls]
    boiler =  ' to assigned facility'
    stats = {'abs_min': 'Absolute min dist'+boiler,
             'abs_max': 'Absolute max dist'+boiler,
             'mean_means': 'Mean of mean dists per client'+boiler,
             'mean_stds': 'Mean of StD dists per client'+boiler}
    # instantiate dataframe
    df = gpd.GeoDataFrame()
    df['stats'] = list(stats.keys())
    for n in model_names:
        df[n] = np.nan
    # calculate stat for each model
    for m in mdls:
        mins, maxs, stds, means = [], [], [], [] 
        for f, cs in m.fac2cli.items():
            rows = np.array([m.cli2iloc[c] for c in cs])
            col = np.array([m.fac2iloc[f]])
            dists = m.cij[rows[:, None], col]
            mins.append(dists.min()), maxs.append(dists.max()),
            stds.append(dists.std()), means.append(dists.mean())
        # fill cells
        calcs = [np.array(mins).min(), np.array(maxs).max(),
                 np.array(means).mean(), np.array(stds).mean()]
        label_calc = {k: calcs[idx] for idx, k\
                                    in enumerate(list(stats.keys()))}
        for k, v in label_calc.items():
            df.loc[(df['stats'] == k),] = v
    # stylize
    cm = sns.light_palette("green", as_cmap=True, reverse=True)
    style =\
                    .background_gradient(axis=1, cmap=cm,
    return df, style
def selection_matrix(mdls):
    """create stylized dataframe visualization of
    selected decision variables
    mdls : models
        all modeling scenarios
    df : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        variable selection matrix
    style :
        style dataframe view
    def _highlight_membership(s):
        """highlight set membership in pandas.DataFrame.
        return ['background-color: limegreen'\
                if v == '$\in$' else '' for v in s]
    # set index and coluns in empty dataframe
    var_index = [ for k,v in models[0].fac_vars.items()]
    df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=var_index,
                          columns=[ for m in models])
    # if site was selected in a model label with
    # latex symbol for 'element of a set' ($\in$)
    for m in models:
        for f in df.index:
            if f in list(m.fac2cli.keys()):
                df.loc[f,] = '$\in$'
    # lable all other cells with latex ($\\notin$)
    df.fillna('$\\notin$', inplace=True)
    for idx in df.index:
        sel = df.loc[idx][df.loc[idx] == '$\in$'].shape[0]
        df.loc[idx, '$\sum$'] = sel
        df.loc[idx, '$\%$'] = (float(sel) / float(4)) * 100.
    # stylize
    cm = sns.light_palette("green", as_cmap=True)
    style =\
    return df, style

Instantiate a network, snap points to the nework, and calculate cost matrix

In this example we will use an emprical network and synthetic, randomly generated points

Streets as empirical data

streets = gpd.read_file(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) = {'init':'epsg:2223'}
streets = streets.to_crs(epsg=2762)
add_to_plot = {'streets':streets}
plotter(plot_aux=add_to_plot, title=title)

Generate synthetic, random "houses" near the network

Buffer streets

buff = 50
streets_buffer = get_buffer(streets, buff=buff)
add_to_plot = {'streets':streets,
plotter(plot_aux=add_to_plot, buffered=buff, title=title)

Generate n synthetic client points and n synthetic facility points

clients = simulated_geo_points(streets_buffer,
facilities = simulated_geo_points(streets_buffer,
clients['dv'] = ['x[%s]' % c for c in range(client_count)]
facilities['dv'] = ['y[%s]' % c for c in range(facility_count)]
add_to_plot = {'streets':streets,
               'cli_tru': clients,
               'fac_tru': facilities}
plotter(plot_aux=add_to_plot, buffered=buff,

Synthetic client demand (weights)

clients['weights'] = np.random.randint(1, 8, (client_count,1))

Create a network instance

ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=streets)

Snap points to the network

ntw.snapobservations(clients, 'clients', attribute=True)
ntw.snapobservations(facilities, 'facilities', attribute=True)

map snapped coordinates the each dataframe

clients = map_coords(clients, col_name='snapped_coords',
facilities = map_coords(facilities, col_name='snapped_coords',

Instaniate a snapped dataframe for each point set

clients_snapped = snapped_df(clients, 'snapped_coords')
facilities_snapped = snapped_df(facilities, 'snapped_coords')
add_to_plot = {'streets':streets,
               'cli_tru': clients,
               'fac_tru': facilities,
               'cli_snp': clients_snapped,
               'fac_snp': facilities_snapped,}
plotter(plot_aux=add_to_plot, buffered=buff,
        pt1_size=60, pt2_size=25)

Calculate distance matrix from all clients to all candidate facilities

cost_matrix = ntw.allneighbordistances(sourcepattern=ntw.pointpatterns['clients'],

Optimal Facility Location

Location Set Covering Problem

lscp = FacilityLocationModel('lscp', cij=cost_matrix, s=max_coverage)
clients, facilities = add_results(lscp, clients, facilities)
aux_to_plot = {'streets': streets, 'fac_tru': facilities}
res_to_plot = {'cli_var': clients, 'fac_var': facilities}
plotter(plot_aux=aux_to_plot, plot_res=res_to_plot,
        pt1_size=300, pt2_size=60, model=lscp, title=title)

p-median Problem

pmp = FacilityLocationModel('pmp', ai=clients["weights"],
                            cij=cost_matrix, p=p_facilities)
clients, facilities = add_results(pmp, clients, facilities)
aux_to_plot = {'streets': streets, 'fac_tru': facilities}
res_to_plot = {'cli_var': clients, 'fac_var': facilities}
plotter(plot_aux=aux_to_plot, plot_res=res_to_plot,
        pt1_size=300, pt2_size=60, model=pmp, title=title)

p-center Problem

pcp = FacilityLocationModel('pcp', cij=cost_matrix, p=p_facilities)
clients, facilities = add_results(pcp, clients, facilities)
aux_to_plot = {'streets': streets, 'fac_tru': facilities}
res_to_plot = {'cli_var': clients, 'fac_var': facilities}
plotter(plot_aux=aux_to_plot, plot_res=res_to_plot,
        pt1_size=300, pt2_size=60, model=pcp, title=title)

Maximal Covering Location Problem

mclp = FacilityLocationModel('mclp', ai=clients["weights"],
                             cij=cost_matrix, p=p_facilities,
clients, facilities = add_results(mclp, clients, facilities)
aux_to_plot = {'streets': streets, 'cli_tru': clients, 'fac_tru': facilities}
res_to_plot = {'cli_var': clients, 'fac_var': facilities}
plotter(plot_aux=aux_to_plot, plot_res=res_to_plot,
        pt1_size=300, pt2_size=60, model=mclp, title=title)

Solved models objects

models = [lscp, pmp, pcp, mclp]

Distance analytics matrix

analytics_df, analytics_display = analytics_matrix(models)

While it appears the mclp performs most optimally with the least distance per stastistic, we have to remember that the mclp is leaving clients uncovered. Therefore, it may generally give lower maximum and average travel costs due to the uncovered client travel costs being excluded.

Selection matrix

selection_df, selection_display = selection_matrix(models)

All solutions spatial comparision

# facility variable-to-times selected lookup
fac2selectcount = dict(selection_df['$\sum$'].astype(int))
aux_to_plot = {'streets': streets, 'cli_tru': clients}
res_to_plot = {'cli_var': clients, 'fac_var': facilities}
multi_plotter(models, plot_aux=aux_to_plot, title=title,
              plot_res=res_to_plot, select=fac2selectcount)

$\Longrightarrow$ Results may vary due to the random seed being set on local machines $\Longleftarrow$

$\Longrightarrow$ Manually run the following cell to expose variables $\Longleftarrow$

Dr. Minimax recommendation:

  • The model facility configuration:
  • This configuration results in an absolute maximum distance from any household to its assigned Little Free Library of meters, which is slightly more than the meter maximum distance stipulation put forth by the committee. Dr. Minimax believes this to be the most equitable and feasible solution for the residents of Neighbor X. However..., the Neighborhood X Planning Committee turned out to be corrupt and merely chose locations for the Little Free Libraries nearest to their respective houses....

Which model do you think would suit the community's needs best?