Build a VirtualBox VM

This document covers the following two steps:

  1. Provisioning: how to create a VirtualBox VM that runs the gds_env container
  2. Deployment: import a generated .ova file into VirtualBox

NOTE: this document relies heavily on this blog post.

Provision a VM


This approach requires the following to be installed on the machine that will provision the VM:

Create a VM

We will set up a VM that runs RancherOS. Following their own docs:

docker-machine create -d virtualbox \
      --virtualbox-boot2docker-url \
      --virtualbox-memory 2048 \

This will create a VirtualBox VM that you can check with VBoxManage:

VBoxManage list vms

You should be able to see something similar to:

"gdsbox" {cb546670-3388-461d-8f0f-87ce352e9134}

To set the environment of your shell to that machine:

docker-machine env gdsbox

will display the command to run for that. Keep in mind that that exports environment variables, so if you want to go back to the original, you can:

eval $(docker-machine env gdsbox)

If you want to reset them:

eval $(docker-machine env -u)

Provision it

Now there is a VM, we need to “fill” it with gds_env container.

  • From the same shell with the gdsbox env activated, we can go ahead and provision the desired container:
docker pull darribas/gds_<flavour>:<version>
  • Now we need to “enter” the VM to add a few extra bits and pieces:
docker-machine ssh gdsbox -t
  • Add autostart of the container. To do this, you will need to add the content of the cloud-config.ymlto the VM cloud-config:
sudo vi /var/lib/rancher/conf/cloud-config.yml

Alternatively, you can copy the cloud-config.yml on the host machine into the docker-machine and appened it using:

# Copy the file via scp to the docker-machine
docker-machine scp ~/Desktop/cloud-config.yml gdsbox:
# Now ssh into the docker-machine
docker-machine ssh gdsbox -t
# And append it to the cloud-config.yml on the docker-machine using sudo
sudo sh -c 'cat "/home/docker/cloud-config.yml" >> /var/lib/rancher/conf/cloud-config.yml'
  • Enable and start the VirtualBox tools to make it easy to share folders:
sudo ros service enable virtualbox-tools
sudo ros service up virtualbox-tools
  • Leave the inside of the VM:

Export provisioned VM into .ova

Once the VM is built and provisioned, we can write it into an appliance file.

First we need to stop the running VM:

docker-machine stop gdsbox

Then we can export:

VBoxManage export gdsbox --iso -o <file-name>.ova


For a guide on importing the .ova export and running the resulting VM, please check here.