Build Docker containers

IMPORTANT This is a guide for building Docker containers, not for downloading or using existing ones. If you are an end-user, you probably prefer to install containers.


To build one of the gds_env flavours from source, you need to access the Docker image can be built by running:

Build process

Make sure to point your terminal of choice to the folder where you have placed the Dockerfile to build:

cd /path/to/folder/with/Dockerfile

Then, run the following command:

docker build \
        --no-cache \
        -t <image-name> \
        --progress=plain \
        . 2>&1 \
        | tee log.txt

where <image-name> can be replaced by the name you want to give to the image you will create.

Mind this process may take a long time. Particularly for gds, several of the R libraries need to be compiled from source and this takes time and CPU cycles.

Once it finishes, you can check it has been built correctly by:

docker image ls

And you should see one image with the image-name you have selected.