Lab 2
Spatial Weights (GeoDa)
- Creation
- Storage
- Loading of stored weights
- Visualization and exploration
Spatial Lag (GeoDa)
- Create spatial lag and save to dbf
Choropleth mapping (QGIS, GeoDa)
- Basic choropleths in GeoDa
- Pretty choropleths in QGIS
- Cartograms in GeoDa
Global spatial autocorrelation (GeoDa)
- Univariate Moran’s I
- Linking and brushing across views
- Bivariate Moran’s I
- EB rates
Local spatial autocorrelation (GeoDa)
- Univariate Local Moran’s I
- Bivariate Local Moran’s I
- G statistics
- LISA with EB rates
- Create a choropleth with the counties in Houston