Thoughts on Modeling

ENVS615 | Dani Arribas-Bel

The “Two Cultures”

y = βX + ϵ

  • Inference (β)
  • Prediction (y)


y = f(X)

Regression  → f(X) = α + βX + ϵ

CART  → f(X)= Tree

Random Forest  → f(X)= Tree Ensemble

Gradient boost  → f(X)= Sequence of predictors (e.g. trees)

This block

  • Baseline model (β + y)
  • Fitting Random Forests
  • Predictive checking (β + y)
  • Uncertainty (β)
  • Model performance (y)
  • Overfitting & Cross-Validation (y)

Creative Commons License
“Thoughts on modelling” by Dani Arribas-Bel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.