Geographic Data Science - Lecture III

Spatial Data

Dani Arribas-Bel

“Day 1”

  • Introduced the (geo-)data revolution

    • What is it?
    • Why now?
  • The need of (geo-)data science to make sense of it all


  • Types of (geo-)data: refresher
  • Traditional and new sources of spatial data
  • New ways for traditional approaches

Representing the World Digitally

GIS Data Models

Traditionally, geographic information is represented as:

  • Vector finite set of entities (shapes/geometries)
  • Raster images encoding surfaces (values, colours, etc.)



Good old spatial data

Good old spatial data


Good old spatial data (+)

Traditionally, datasets used in the (social) sciences are:

  • Collected for the purpose –> carefully designed
  • Detailed in information (“…rich profiles and portraits of the country…”)
  • High quality

Good old spatial data (-)

But also:

  • Massive enterprises ("…every single person…) –> costly
  • But coarse in resolution (to preserve pricacy they need to be aggregated)
  • Slow: the more detailed, the less frequent they are available


  • Decenial census (and census geographies)
  • Longitudinal surveys
  • Customly collected surveys, interviews, etc.
  • Economic indicators

New sources of (spatial) data

New sources of (spatial) data

Tied into the (geo-)data revolution, new sources are appearing that are:

  • Accidental –> created for different purposes but available for analysis as a side effect
  • Very diverse in nature, resolution, and quality but, potentially, much more detailed in both space and time

Different ways to categorise them…

Lazer & Radford (2017)

  • Digital life: digital actions (Twitter, Facebook, WikiPedia…)
  • Digital traces: record of digital actions (CDRs, metadata…)
  • Digitalised life: nonintrinsically digital life in digital form (Government records, web…)

Arribas-Bel (2014)

Three levels, based on how they originate:

  • Bottom up: “Citizens as sensors”
  • Intermediate: Digital businesses/businesses going digital
  • Top down: Open Government Data

Opportunities (Lazer & Radford, 2017)

  • Massive, passive
  • Nowcasting
  • Data on social systems
  • Natural and field experiments (“always-on” observatory of human behaviour)
  • Making big data small

Challenges (Arribas-Bel, 2014)

  • Bias
  • Technical barriers
  • Methodological “mismatch”

Old/New, raster/vector…

Old/New, raster/vector…

Traditional approaches to represent the world in a computer are blending thanks to new forms of data

Keep an open mind to tools, approaches, and methods

Creative Commons License
Geographic Data Science’19 by Dani Arribas-Bel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.