Points are spatial entities that can be understood in two fundamentally different ways. On the one hand, points can be seen as fixed objects in space, which is to say their location is taken as given (exogenous). In this case, analysis of points is very similar to that of other types of spatial data such as polygons and lines. On the other hand, points can be seen as the occurence of an event that could theoretically take place anywhere but only manifests in certain locations. This is the approach we will adopt in the rest of the notebook.
When points are seen as events that could take place in several locations but only happen in a few of them, a collection of such events is called a point pattern. In this case, the location of points is one of the key aspects of interest for analysis. A good example of a point pattern is crime events in a city: they could technically happen in many locations but we usually find crimes are committed only in a handful of them. Point patterns can be marked, if more attributes are provided with the location, or unmarked, if only the coordinates of where the event occured are provided. Continuing the crime example, an unmarked pattern would result if only the location where crimes were committed was used for analysis, while we would be speaking of a marked point pattern if other attributes, such as the type of crime, the extent of the damage, etc. was provided with the location.
Point pattern analysis is thus concerned with the description, statistical characerization, and modeling of point patterns, focusing specially on the generating process that gives rise and explains the observed data. What's the nature of the distribution of points? Is there any structure we can statistically discern in the way locations are arranged over space? Why do events occur in those places and not in others? These are all questions that point pattern analysis is concerned with.
This notebook aims to be a gentle introduction to working with point patterns in Python. As such, it covers how to read, process and transform point data, as well as several common ways to visualize point patterns.
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import pysal as ps
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point
We are going to dip our toes in the lake of point data by looking at a sample of geo-referenced tweets in the city of Liverpool. The dataset we will be playing with contains the location of over 130,000 messages posted on Twitter from January to the end of October of 2012. A detailed description of the variables included is provided in the "Datasets" section of the course website, as well as instructions to download it.
Once you have downloaded it and extracted the compressed .zip
file, let us first set the paths to the shapefile. In addition, we will also be using the LSOA Census and geography dataset we already know, so let us add the path in advance to make things easier later on:
# This will be different on your computer and will depend on where
# you have downloaded the files
# Twitter dataset
tw_path = '../../../../data/tweets/tweets_liverpool/tweets_liverpool.shp'
# LSOAs polygons
lsoas_path = '../../../../data/Liverpool/shapefiles/Liverpool_lsoa11.shp'
# Total population counts from Census Geodata Pack
pop_path = '../../../../data/Liverpool/tables/CT0010_lsoa11.csv'
Since the data are stored in a shapefile, loading it is in the same way as usual:
# Read the file
tw = gpd.read_file(tw_path)
# Create a brief summary of the columns in the table
Note how we have also added the command %%time
at the top of the cell. Once the cell has run, this provides an accurate measurement of the time it took the computer to run the code. We are adding this because, as you can see in the description of the columns, this is a fairly large table, with 131,209 rows.
Depending on the running time of the cell above, it is recommended you do not use the full dataset but instead you shorten it and consider only a random sample of tweets (which retains the same properties). If it took your computer longer than 20 seconds to read the file (as indicated at the end of the cell output, total
), you are strongly encouraged to subset your data by taking a random sample. This will make the rest of the analysis run much more smoothly on your computer and will result in a better experience. See below for details on how to do this.
Once we have loaded the data, taking a random sample is a relative simple operation. Let us first perform the computations and then delve into the steps, one by one.
# Set the "seed" so every run produces the generates the same random numbers
# Create a sequence of length equal to the number of rows in the table
ri = np.arange(len(tw))
# Randomly reorganize (shuffle) the values
# Reindex the table by using only the first 10,000 numbers
# of the (now randomly arranged) sequence
tw = tw.iloc[ri[:10000], :]
# Display summary of the new table
Let us walk through the strategy taken to randomly sample the table:
) in which we keep only the first 10,000 elements of the randomly ordered list (if you wanted to subset the table to have a different number of observations, change that in here); the second (tw.iloc
) is a standard subsetting query as we have been doing so far. The trick here is that by querying the table on the subset of 10,000 numbers obtained from a random draw of the entire set, we are only keeping the rows indexed on those numbers. This attains two things: one, it returns only 10,000 observations instead of the total 131,209; two, the subset that it does keep is entirely random, as the index used for it has been randomly "shuffled".
We will spend the rest of this notebook learning different ways to visualize a point pattern. In particular, we will consider to main strategies: one relies on aggregating the points into polygons, while the second one is based on creating continuous surfaces using kernel density estimation.
Having learned about visualization of lattice (polygon) data, the most straightforward way to visualize point patterns is to "turn" them into polygons and apply techniques like choropleth mapping to visualize their spatial distribution. To do that, we will overlay a polygon layer on top of the point pattern, join the points to the polygons by assigning to each point the polygon where they fall into, and create a choropleth of the counts by polygon. This approach is very intuitive but of course raises the following question: what polygons do we use to aggregate the points? Ideally, we want a boundary delineation that matches as closely as possible the point generating process and partitions the space into areas with a similar internal intensity of points. However, that is usually not the case, no less because one of the main reasons we typically want to visualize the point pattern is to learn about such generating process, so we would typically not know a priori whether a set of polygons match it. If we cannot count on the ideal set of polygons to begin with, we can adopt two more realistic approaches: using a set of pre-existing irregular areas or create a artificial set of regular polygons.
To exemplify this approach, we will use the areas of the LSOAs that we have been working with throughout the course. So, before anything else, let us load them up into an object we will call lsoas
lsoas = gpd.read_file(lsoas_path).set_index('LSOA11CD')
The next step we require is to assign to each tweet the LSOA where it was posted from. This can be done through a standard GIS operation called point-in-polygon. For the sake of keeping the focus on the visualization of points, the tweet dataset already includes the LSOA identifier where each tweet falls into in the column LSOA11CD
. However, if you were exploring a brand new dataset and had to join it by yourself, you could to this in QGIS using the point-in-polygon tool available on the Vector menu (Vector
--> Data Management Tools
--> Join Attributes by Location
). Alternatively, you could also perform this operation using geopandas
and its "spatial join" extension. Although the latter is a bit more involved and advanced, it is also more efficient and fast.
Once we have the ID of the polygon where each tweet falls into, creating the count of tweets by polygon is one line of code away. Again, we rely on the groupby
operator which takes all the tweets in the table and "groups" them "by" their LSOA code. Once grouped, we apply the method size
, which counts how many elements each group has and returns a column indexed on the LSOA code with all the counts as its values. To make the mapping easier, we also assign the counts to a newly created column in the lsoas
# Create counts
tw_lsoa = tw.groupby('LSOA11CD').size()
# Assign counts into a column in the LSOAS table
lsoas['tweet_count'] = tw_lsoa
At this point, we are ready to map the counts. Technically speaking, this is a choropleth just as we have seen many times before (see Lab 4 if you need a refresher):
# Set up figure and axis
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 9))
# Plot the equal interval choropleth and add a legend
lsoas.plot(column='tweet_count', scheme='equal_interval', legend=True, \
axes=ax, colormap='BuPu', linewidth=0.1)
# Remove the axes
# Set the title
ax.set_title("Equal Interval of Tweets in Liverpool")
# Keep axes proportionate
# Draw map
[Optional exercise]
Create a similar choropleth as above but use a quantile or Fisher-Jenks classification instead of equal interval. What are the main differences? Why do you think this is the case? How does it relate to the distribution of counts by polygons?
The map above clearly shows a concentration of tweets in the city centre of Liverpool. However, it is important to remember that the map is showing raw counts of tweets. At this point it is useful to remember what we discussed in Labs 3 and 4 about mapping raw counts. In the case to tweets, as with many other phenomena that affect to only a portion of the population, it is crucial to keep in mind the underlying population. Although tweets could theoretically take place anywhere on the map, they really can only appear in areas where there are people who can post the messages. If population is not distributed equally (and most often it is not) and we ignore its spatial pattern, the map of raw counts will most likely simply display the overall pattern of the underlying population. In this example, if all we map is raw counts of tweets, we are showing a biased picture towards areas with high levels of population because, everything else equal, the more people the more potential for tweets to appear.
To obtain a more accurate picture, what we would like to see is a map of the intensity of tweets, not of raw counts. To do this, ideally we want to divide the number of tweets per polygon by the total number of potential population who could tweet at any given moment. This of course is not always available, so we have to resort to proxy variables. For the sake of this example, we will use the residential population. Let us first load it up:
# Load table with population counts (and other variables too)
pop = pd.read_csv(pop_path, index_col=0)
# Total Population is `CT00100001`
pop = pop['CT00100001']
Now we can insert it as a new column in the lsoas
lsoas['Total_Pop'] = pop
At this point, we can easily calculate the ratio of tweets per resident of each of the areas:
lsoas['tweet_int'] = lsoas['tweet_count'] / lsoas['Total_Pop']
With the intensity at hand, creating the new choropleth takes exactly the same as above:
# Set up figure and axis
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 9))
# Plot the equal interval choropleth and add a legend
lsoas.plot(column='tweet_int', scheme='equal_interval', legend=True, \
axes=ax, colormap='BuPu', linewidth=0.1)
# Remove the axes
# Set the title
ax.set_title("Equal Interval of Tweet intensity (tweets/resident) in Liverpool")
# Keep axes proportionate
# Draw map
In this case, the pattern in the raw counts is so strong that the adjustment by population does not have a huge effect, but in other contexts mapping rates can yield very different results than mapping simple counts.
[Optional exercise]
Create a similar choropleth as above but use a quantile or Fisher-Jenks classification instead of equal interval. What are the main differences? Why do you think this is the case? How does it relate to the distribution of counts by polygons?
Sometimes we either do not have any polygon layer to use or the ones we have are not particularly well suited to aggregate points into them. In these cases, a sensible alternative is to create an artificial topology of polygons that we can use to aggregate points. There are several ways to do this but the most common one is to create a grid of hexagons. This provides a regular topology (every polygon is of the same size and shape) that, unlike circles, cleanly exhausts all the space without overlaps and has more edges than squares, which alleviates edge problems.
Python has a simplified way to create this hexagon layer and aggregate points into it in one shot thanks to the method hexbin
, which is available in every axis object (e.g. ax
). Let us first see how you could create a map of the hexagon layer alone:
# Setup figure and axis
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 9))
# Add hexagon layer that displays count of points in each polygon
hb = ax.hexbin(tw.X, tw.Y, gridsize=50, alpha=0.8, cmap='BuPu')
# Add a colorbar (optional)
See how all it takes is to set up the figure and call hexbin
directly using the set of coordinate columns (tw.X
and tw.Y
). Additional arguments we include is the number of hexagons by axis (gridsize
, 50 for a 50 by 50 layer), the transparency we want (80%), and the colormap of our choice (BuPu
in our case). Additionally, we include a colorbar to get a sense of what colors imply. Note that we need to pass the name of the object that includes the hexbin
in our case), but keep in mind this is optional, you do not need to always create one.
Once we know the basics, we can insert it into the usual plotting routine we have been using to generate a complete hex-bin map of tweets in Liverpool:
# Set up figure and axis
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 9))
# Add a base layer with the LSOA geography
for poly in lsoas['geometry']:
gpd.plotting.plot_multipolygon(ax, poly, facecolor='white', alpha=0, linewidth=0.1)
# Add hexagon layer that displays count of points in each polygon
hb = ax.hexbin(tw.X, tw.Y, gridsize=50, alpha=0.8, cmap='BuPu')
# Add a colorbar (optional)
# Remove axes
# Add title of the map
ax.set_title("Hex-binning of Tweets in Liverpool")
# Keep map proportionate
# Draw the map
NOTE: It is recommended that, for this section, you use the random subset of tweets rather than the entire batch of 131,209.
Using a hexagonal binning can be a quick solution when we do not have a good polygon layer to overlay the points directly and some of its properties, such as the equal size of each polygon, can help alleviate some of the problems with a "bad" irregular topology (one that does not fit the underlying point generating process). However, it does not get around the issue of the modifiable areal unit problem (M.A.U.P., see Lecture 4): at the end of the day, we are still imposing arbitrary boundary lines and aggregating based on them, so the possibility of mismatch with the underlying distribution of the point pattern is very real.
One way to work around this problem is to avoid aggregating altogether. Instead, we can aim at estimating the continuous observed probability distribution. The most commonly used method to do this is the so called kernel density estimate (KDE). The idea behind KDEs is to count the number of points in a continious way. Instead of using discrete counting, where you include a point in the count if it is inside a certain boundary and ignore it otherwise, KDEs use functions (kernels) that include points but give different weights to each one depending of how far of the location where we are counting the point is.
The actual algorithm to estimate a kernel density is not trivial but its application in Python is extremely simplified by the use of Seaborn's kdeplot
command. Same as above, let us first see how to create the simplest possible KDE and then we will create a full-fledge map.
sns.kdeplot(tw['X'], tw['Y'], n_levels=50, shade=True, cmap='BuPu')
Seaborn greatly streamlines the process and boils it down to a single line. The method sns.kdeplot
(which we can also use to create a KDE of a single variable) takes the X and Y coordinate of the points as the only compulsory attributes. In addition, we specify the number of levels we want the color gradient to have (n_levels
), whether we want to color the space in between each level (share
, yes), and the colormap of choice.
Once we know how the basic logic works, we can insert it into the usual mapping machinery to create a more complete plot. The main difference here is that we now have to tell sns.kdeplot
where we want the surface to be added (ax
in this case).
# Set up figure and axes
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 9))
# Add a base layer with the LSOA geography
for poly in lsoas['geometry']:
gpd.plotting.plot_multipolygon(ax, poly, facecolor='white', alpha=0, linewidth=0.1)
# Generate KDE
sns.kdeplot(tw['X'], tw['Y'], ax=ax, \
n_levels=50, shade=True, cmap='BuPu')
# Remove axes
# Add title
ax.set_title("Hex-binning of Tweets in Liverpool")
# Keep axes proportionate
# Draw map
Reproduce the point analysis above with a different dataset of your choice. This involves:
As a suggestion, you can use the following additional datasets:
file, not a shapefile. Use skills learnt in Lab 2 to be able to read it. You can plot the points in the original Coordinate System (lon/lat).DataFrame
into a GeoDataFrame
and reproject it to the UK grid (EPSG:27700
). Note this is fairly advanced, so do not despair if you do not get there. A alternative is to read the csv
file in QGIS and save if as a shapefile there, to be read in Python later on.
Geographic Data Science'15 - Lab 9 by Dani Arribas-Bel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.