

Dani Arribas-Bel & Thomas De Graaff

September 5, 2014



Task automation

  • What
  • Why
  • How (make)

Task automation

A button to push and reproduce


  • It is important to keep things modular, flexible and separate, as long as it’s possible
  • That also implies as a project grows larger and more complex, managing it and keep it easily reproducible becomes harder and more involved
  • Task automation is based on the idea that some of the steps needed to reproduce and output can be programmed (or scripted)
  • A sequence of all the steps and order, much like a cooking recipe, can be encapsulated in a file that can be re-run


  • Efficiency: avoid doing manually the same thing over and over
  • Correctness: less prone to errors
  • Big picture design: Forces to always keep in mind the overall structure of the project


The recipe builder

  • Very old (stable) piece of free software
  • Still used today
  • Designed to make possible to compile complicated code projects
  • Glue of the Unix mantra: “do one thing, and do it very well”.

Understanding a research project (e.g. paper) as a code project: to obtain certain outcomes (e.g. final paper version), one needs to complete a series of steps in a particular order (clean data, run regressions, write paper).


  • Rewards more modular work
  • Forces you to make very explicit the chain of events that your project/paper needs to be created
  • Allows to easily re-run as many times as neccesary (parts of) your paper without any manual checks

The simplest intro to make

Just as a “chainer” of files:

$ vim Makefile
    pdflatex dissertation.tex
    R CMD BATCH a_little_luck.R

Running make will execute all of the three processes.

Suppose you want to have a handy shortcut for the first two only:

    pdflatex dissertation.tex
    R CMD BATCH a_little_luck.R

    pdflatex dissertation.tex
    R CMD BATCH a_little_luck.R

Running make will still execute all of them, but running make hardwork will only run the first two.

The make model

  • Targets: output created from a process.
  • Sources: programs/commands that produce a target

For example:


You can chain steps and add more sources for a target:

dissertation.tex: write_my_diss

phd.txt: dissertation.tex a_little_luck.R
    R CMD BATCH a_little_luck.R

If phd.txt does not exist, or dissertation.tex and/or a_little_luck.R have changed since last time it was produced, make will run the R process again, which should produce a new version of phd.txt


Content by Dani Arribas-Bel and Thomas De Graaff, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

For this session, we have borrowed important amounts of inspiration and material from Software Carpentry’s session on git and the freely available book Pro Git